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The Novato Chamber believes in a strong North Bay economy in which the businesses and the community thrive. 

General Policies

Novato Chamber Exposed Hutch Turner Tina McMillan

2018 2020 2019 Kona GMP Presented Sponsor Expo Marin Country Club Tradesho San Rafael Best Marin Value Marin Independent Journal Novato Chamber of Commerce New Member Novato CHamber business growth help support free san rafael petaluma sonoma marin novato chamber commerce tradeshow mixer county best resources board endorse eklund athas lucan fryday


When a business joins the Novato Chamber, it has access to ALL of the benefits of the Novato Chamber.






The Novato Chamber works to build a strong North Bay economy in which the businesses and community thrive.

Team San Pablo Bay

Independent Nonprofits

The Novato Chamber is a NONPROFIT, our organization meets all of the same challenges that face every business. While we may work with local municipal agencies, we are a private business. 

Chambers have to keep the 'lights on' and overcome the same operating expenses as other business. 


The Chamber Team of 5 employees is dedicated to Novato and we are excited to serve the community. Occasionally, like all humans, we make mistakes. Reach out and we will address the concerns as fast as possible! Know that in our day-to-day we are concerned with helping our community thrive and we apologize for any mistake. 

PS We never got the highway sign wrong...geeez CalTrans...

Reach Out

The Novato Chamber is open Monday through Friday 9-5. Staff is not always on social media and other outlets, please try to ask your questions during appropriate business hours so staff can give your concerns the attention they deserve.

Festival of Music art and wine marin county large free concert very summer beer wine cider free live mussic rock salsa jazz bohemian hopmonk tavern kc turner


The Chamber throws several Community Signature Events each year. These events are intended to bring attention and commerce to Novato while showcasing the local flavors and bringing the community together. Funds raised for the Chamber at these events go to provide the community with services and business support as well as representation at commerce-related policy meetings and discussions. 


The Novato Chamber has great ways to get involved with the community! Whether you are supporting events, serving on a committee or contributing your talent the Community thanks you for your service in shaping a productive North Bay!

Mission of the Novato Chamber Goals

Stop By!

The Novato Chamber is located in the heart of Downtown Novato right off of the DeLong Exit of US101. Our business hours are 9-5 (M-F), 

The Chamber hosts over 200+ events away from the office each year. If you are planning to stop by, please check that staff is in...alwyas best to make an appointment!


The Novato Chamber runs its day-to-day operations based on the direction and policies of the Board of Directors. 

Staff, including the CEO does not set Chamber policy. 


The Chamber Team of 5 employees is dedicated to Novato and we are excited to serve the community. Occasionally, like all humans, we make mistakes. Reach out and we will address the concerns as fast as possible! Know that in our day-to-day we are concerned with helping our community thrive and we apologize for any mistake. 

PS We never got the highway sign wrong...geeez CalTrans...

Fair Balanced Relevancy Free Cost Business Education Committee Business Events BEC governemnt political discussions cannibis novato chamber committee lauri hennessy novato chamber goldfinger russ pini small business support tobacco laws city of novato chamber of commerce festival business support gac women in business government san rafael huffman novato chamber commerce patsy fliesch


If you are interested in an interview or to hear what the Chamber's position is on particular topics. Please reach out the Chamber CEO or the Government Affairs Committee!

Individual committee members, individual board members, member businesses, or their representatives do NOT speak for the Novato Chamber.

Values of the Novato Chamber

Creating a sustainable local economy.

Building strong business relationships.

Influencing positive political action and dialogue. 

Advocating for the interests of business and for future economic opportunities of the region.

Fostering a competitive edge through innovative education.

Chamber Events Calendar

SMS Communication

Communicate with the Novato Chamber by registering your mobile number. Choose which messages you would like to receive!

The Novato Chamber reminds you that standard messaging rate apply.



Name Badge Replacement

Chamber members get ONE complimentary badge for their work on a Chamber Committee. Board Members and Ambassadors also receive one complimentary badge as do Leadership Students/graduates. Each additional badge including replacements cost $15 per badge.

Conference Room Rental

The Chamber rents the Carlile Conference Room to the public for $25 (flat fee). Chamber members may use the room as part of their annual membership. The office can be rented from 10-4 Mon -  Fri during Novato Chamber business hours.

Guests of Members

Nonmembers may attend up to 2 Member Events with the Novato Chamber. The Chamber does do PUBLIC events that do NOT count towards a non-Member's 2 visiting events

Friend of the Chamber

Friend of the Chamber membership is a reduced rate intended for those individuals who do not belong to a business or for people who have retired and want to continue to support the Chamber and attend its events. Friends of the Chamber do not have FULL access to the benefits awarded to member-businesses. Contact the Membership Department for more info.

Tax Returns

In accordance with federal nonprofit tax code, local/regional ordinances and other compliant regulations, the Novato Chamber is required to make available copies of specific documents. Below you will find links to some of these documents made easily accessible as they are public documents.

Please Note that the Novato Chamber has filed an official 'extension' for 2018 taxes. The Chamber will work to publish the '18 returns upon their receipt. 

Misconceptions about 'other' chambers

Congratulations on joining a chamber of commerce! When your business joins the Novato Chamber, you have access to ALL of the benefits of the Novato Chamber.

Novato Chamber members may serve on ANY committee or participate in any way so long as they are current on their standard membership. EVEN IF THEY BELONG TO / VOLUNTEER WITH OTHER CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE 

NCOC Produced

One of the many benefits that the Novato Chamber provides is assistance with producing marketing materials. From flyers to websites to social media posts, the Chamber is here to lend assistance. THIS IS A MEMBER BENEFIT. In no way does support or assistance regarding marketing materials condone chamber endorsement or support of any kind for the product or messaging.  The Chamber occasionally serves as a creative guide nothing more.

Businesses & Politcal Endorsements

The Chamber is a political entity as well as a business / community resource funded through events and other non-dues revenue (ie sponsorships). Sponsorships from private business or municipal agencies DO NOT NECESSARILY reflect and endorsement of Novato Chamber political stances. If your business is concerned about its logo or reference on any of the Chamber's media please contact the PR & Marketing Director. 

Billing & Sponsorship

The Novato Chamber will mail (US Post Office) your sponsorship invoice anywhere from 2-5 business days following the receiving of your sponsorship form. Payment should be returned in net-30.

Membership Billing

Membership Dues are mailed (US Post Office) on the 11th month of the annual membership. Invoices should be returned in net-30 in order to stay current and in-good-standing of membership.

Members can log into their accounts to get caught up with their chamber accounts.

Member Dues / Pricing

Chamber membership is based on your business' employee count. Nonprofit organizations may apply for a 25% discount. Other aspects DO go into calculating your membership dues, for exact pricing please contact the Chamber's Membership Director.

Your Employees - ALL IN

Chamber dues are based on your employee count because ALL of your employees are eligible for Chamber benefits They may attend events, participate in networking groups and even sit on committees (OR THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS!). Businesses can also give Employees unique logins to the Chamber database so others on your team can update your profile and utilize the portal.

Term Limits

Part of the benefit of being a member of the Novato Chamber is the ability to affect change. Chamber committees work to implement the Board's vision from networking groups to events to politics. Committee Members receive additional promotion for their services, as thanks for their services. Committee Members must be in good standing with their membership in order to serve. Every Committee must assign term limits in order to guarantee turn over and access to the benefits. No committee or group is exempt.

Password & Portal Login

The Novato Chamber provides you with a Business portal, where you can post jobs, deals, news stories, and update your business information. From this portal, you can also host and register for events and pay outstanding invoices. We can create many logins for your employees. If you lose your login credentials just call or email the Chamber staff, they will reauthorize you ASAP!

Dual-Chamber Membership

The Novato Chamber does not offer any sort of dual membership with other chambers of commerce. Any spreading of this misinformation is intended to undermind the work of local organizations. Please report anyone spreading rumors like this to appropriate.

Your Privacy

The Novato Chamber will NOT sell or distribute your personal information. We take pride in promoting your business through our media channels. If you have a concern, please contact the Novato Chamber Marketing Director.

Serving on Committees

Most Chamber committees, limit volunteers to member-businesses who are current with their membership. There are a few committees that are jointly purposed with other community organizations, thus non-members may serve--priority is ALWAYS given to members.

Politics & Sponsorship

The Novato Chamber DOES NOT accept sponsorship applications from Political Candidates or Campaigns (ie Joe for City Council). If 'Joe' would like to sponsor a Chamber program as an individual, absent of any political campaigning, that IS permitted. Political candidates & campaigns MAY request Chamber booth space at events (FAWM, Expo, Scream) regardless of Chamber Endorsements.

Announcing our new Premier Annual Sponsorship full of benefits that offer your business visibility the entire year.


2019 Business of the Year Nomination App.


The Novato community is home to some stellar businesses. If you would like to nominate a business in our community, please fill out this form., Businesses should be selected for supporting the community, modeling outstanding businesses practices and for their contribution to the local economy!

Nominate a Business | 5 Minutes

Receive Customized Text Communication

Customize communication from the Novato Chamber. Get updates on community projects, your favorite networking events or  just keep in touch with the speakers and experts of the Novato Chamber.

Sign up now

History | Leadership Novato

Leadership Novato began over 30 years ago with the goal to identify, empower and support future community leaders. Learn more about the origins of one of the North Bay's most revered leadership institutions.

History Can Teach Us A Lot


Did you know that the Novato Chamber hosts 6 annual Signature Events designed to promote the community!? These events vary in style and size from a few hundred participants to tens of thousands.

Learn about the Signature Community Events


Make this YOUR year. Join the Novato Festival of Art, Wine & Music by Sponsoring of Volunteering with us.

Click here to join as a commercial/beverage sponsor

Click here to join as an artist/food vendor

Click here for the music lineup

Click here to volunteer