Thank you to our generous Sponsors
Showcase Booths
If your business is looking to get noticed than you want to check out the Festival of Art, Wine & Music. The Novato Chamber's annual festival draws anywhere from 60,000-80,000 attendees--that's a lot of potential new clients to meet. Nonprofits enjoy huge crowds at the annual event, so consider investing some marketing budget to increase your brand recognition. Showcase your community spirit and get into Marin County's largest Festival. For nonprofits or municipal agencies, the Festival of Art, Wine & Music offers an excellent opportunity to expand your recognizability in the community.

Make the community aware of your presence. Show off your charity and good works. Build your donor base and support your brand.

Is your business looking to grow its brand? Expand your exposure and client list at Marin's largest Festival

Municipal Agencies
Fire, water, transportation? Showcase yourself to the community. Share information, new developments and more!

Community Groups
Bring your organization out of the wood-work and showcase projects, new developments and news to the community!
Showcase booths are not permitted to sell products/food/beverages at the Festival. Businesses interested in selling products at the Festival can check out our other Booth Options.
Kids Activites
The Festival is perfect for the entire family. FREE ADMISSION means no one has to be left home. Thanks to Novato Pediatric Dentistry, our Kid's Area Sponsor!
Transit to the Festival
Avoid the parking hassles and get to Downtown Novato with ease. There is mass transit that drops participants within a short walk from the Festival's Redwood Music Stage.