Mixers are a way to showcase your business to our Chamber community. You can build your business with the network that has strengthened Novato for over 100 Years.
Host a Mixer!
Email and get on the calendar! HURRY there are only twelve spots.
2025 Mixers
March Mixer
Thursday, March 20
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Host: American Cancer Society Discovery Shop
930 Diablo Ave, Novato, CA 94947
Mixers are a great way to network and meet new people within the Chamber. We encourage our members, no matter how long you have been a part of the Chamber, to join us.
We do understand that some people are not ready to or cannot meet in person. We encourage those members to seek out our virtual networking opportunities at https://www.novatochamber.com/networking/ - we have something for everyone!

Do You Have Questions? Contact the Novato Chamber Team!
If you have any questions about this page, the Novato Chamber's Signature Events, hosting a Ribbon Cutting or Virtual Mixer, or the Women in Business program, feel free to email Christina Mendes!
If you have any questions about our Leadership Novato Program, your membership, or if you're interested in joining the Novato Chamber, don't hesitate to email Kim Stahley!