Chamber Events Calendar
Most of the data and sources for this page can be found in the book: Novato Township: Land Grant - WWII
pub 1991 by the Novato Historical Guild pg 183
Although Novato now has a city government to solve many of the problems formerly placed on the Chamber, the membership continues to perform a valuable service to the community and visitors alike. The Chamber asks for no reward or commendation, but they continue to be a force that has always promoted the success of the community and will continue to do so as they Shape Tomorrow.
US 101 | the Narrows
The Novato Chamber works to ensure that connectivity to other commercial zones remains strong and efficient for local employers and employees. For more information on the status of the Narrows project please refer to TAM.
Marin Economic Forum
The CEO of the Novato Chamber sits on the Board of the Marin Economic Forum, ensuring that Novato's needs are addressed to a regional authority.
Novato General Plan: 2035
The Novato Chamber played an important role in discussing and adopting the City of Novato's General Plan update in 2020, ensuring that business and commerce interests were represented. To view the City's General Plan, click below.
Attracting Business
We proudly partner with the City of Novato to help attract NEW businesses, restaurants, and industries to Novato. We also work to help established businesses succeed in this community. NOVATO IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!
CA-37 | Economic Loss
The highway is a vital link, connecting Novato to the East Bay. It is critical that it works as efficiently as possible. The Chamber attends the meetings on Highway 37, which includes representatives from Marin, Sonoma, Napa, & Solano counties, all four transportation agencies, and others. We must find solutions to improving this major artery in our transportation system."
#44bec7#cc2224Novato Chamber Participates in Legislative Summit
North Bay Chambers meet annually to discuss legislative priorities for the CA legislature. Ideas are centered in four major topics: housing, transportation, workforce development, and homelessness.
Do You Have Questions? Contact the Novato Chamber Team!
If you have any questions about this page, the Novato Chamber's political position/community project endorsements, or if you are interested in learning more about the Board of Directors and the Novato Chamber's community participation and representation, contact Christina Mendes.