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Government Affairs aims to influence positive political action through dialogue while advocating for the current & future sustainable economic interests of the North Bay.

Mission Statement


GAC meets every first Tuesday of the month at noon | and as needed / by appointment | currently meeting virtually

Government Affairs Committee Meeting

The Novato Chamber GAC convenes monthly to discuss projects, proposals, and candidates that could influence the current or future of economic prosperity in the community.


Government Affairs aims to be an approachable exploratory arm of the Novato Chamber, aiming to foster positive political action that supports current and future economic prosperity of the North Bay


Seth Shorett

Committee Co-Chair

Umpqua Bank

Email Seth
RG Headshot

Ross Guehring

Committee Member

Town Hall Public Affairs 



Jerry Peters

Committee Co-Chair

Brayton Purcell LLP


Email Jerry
Tony W_NMWD Photo

Tony Williams

Committee Member

North Martin Water District


Smith_Tracy 4x5 (1)

Tracy Smith

Committee Member
Superintendent of NUSD




Denise Athas

Committee Member
Athas & Associates Real Estate



Jennifer Goldfinder Novato Chamber GAC Government Advocacy Exposed Novato City of Business Education VOlunteer of the Year

Jennifer Goldfinger

Committee Member
Retired - City of Novato


Rachel Hundley

Rachel Hundley

Committee Member
Novato Sanitary

Maglio, Rafelina Board of Directors

Rafelina Maglio

Committee Member
Bank of Marin

Bill Tyler

Bill Tyler

Committee Member
Novato Fire Protection District

 Project Endorsements
Novato Chamber Endorsed

Novato Chamber N Logo

Do You Have Questions? Contact the Novato Chamber Team!

If you have any questions about this page, the Novato Chamber's political position/community project endorsements, or if you are interested in learning more about the Board of Directors and the Novato Chamber's community participation and representation, contact Christina Mendes.


Announcing our new Premier Annual Sponsorship full of benefits that offer your business visibility the entire year.
