Want to Speak to the Government Affairs
If you are interested in seeking the Novato Chamber endorsement, reach out to the GAC!
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GET COUNTED! Shape Tomorrow
The 10-year census is critical, as it helps legislative authorities, policy implementors, and municipal agencies to better and more accurately allocate resources to the population. IT IS CURRENTLY NOT REQUIRED TO ANSWER OR ASK QUESTIONS REGARDING CITIZENSHIP. Accurate records of the population are critical to have, regardless of an individual's personal opinions regarding a residents' citizenship status.
Membership News
Investigate the latest happenings with Chamber members. Keep up and follow local businesses, organizations with the Novato Chamber's Press Room, submit your own press releases and join the discussion!
Do You Have Questions? Contact the Novato Chamber Team!
If you have any questions about this page, the Novato Chamber's political position/community project endorsements, or if you are interested in learning more about the Board of Directors and the Novato Chamber's community participation and representation, contact Coy Smith. Click here to Email Coy!